Bolshoi Encore: Romeo and Juliet
2019/2020 Programme

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Bolshoi Encore: Romeo and Juliet
2019/2020 Programme
29 March 2020

Date and Time: Sunday, 29 March , 2020, 4pm
Venue: Spazju Kreattiv Cinema
In light of the most recent developments, it has been decided that this screening of Bolshoi Encore: Romeo and Juliet is cancelled.
This is being done to safeguard the health and safety of our staff and patrons which is our number one priority.
In spite of each of their families being merciless enemies, Romeo and Juliet are deeply in love. The rivalry between the Capulets and the MontagueswillcostMercutio’s life, causing Romeo a desire of vengeance for the loss of his friend…
The ballet
The star-crossed lovers’ tragic fate inspired Prokofiev a remarkable cinematic score, from the delicate theme of Juliet to the ominous Dance of the Knights.Bolshoi stars Ekaterina Krysanova and VladislavLantratov wholly embody the two eternal lovers in Alexei Ratmansky’s stunning evocation of love at first sight.
Music: Sergei Prokofiev
Choerography: AlexeiRatmansky
Libretto: Sergei Prokofiev, SergeiRadlovand Adrian Piotrovsky (after William Shakespeare)
Cast: Ekaterina Krysanova (Juliet), Vladislav Lantratov (Romeo), Igor Tsvirko (Mercutio), DmitryDorokhov (Benvolio), Vitaly Biktimirov (Tybalt), and the Corps de Ballet
Adults: €15
Concessions (students and elderly): €12
Concessions (children under 12 years): €5
Full Season Ticket for Live:: €50 (discounted rate instead of €72) – only covering LIVE screenings and first screenings.