ĊineXjenza: Seaspiracy

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ĊineXjenza: Seaspiracy
Date and time:
Tuesday, 26th April 2022, 7pm
This conspiracy documentary takes us on a journey filled with criticism towards overfishing and accuses the sustainable seafood movement.
Claiming that sustainable fishing is impossible, it suggests that the Dolphin Safe and Marine Stewardship Council labels probably do not give the assurance consumers expect. Opposingly, the fishing industry states that this is an “unacceptable and dishonest attack” as science studies are chosen according to biased sources. During the discussion with Dr Alicia Bugeja Said (fishing researcher) and Prof Joseph A Borg we hope to debate whether the film is accurate enough. Is fishing completely bad? Or is the human race capable enough to undertake sustainable fishing? Refreshments will also be provided free of charge at the end of the event only if COVID-19 restrictions permit. The audience’s safety is considered as the organiser’s priority. CineXjenza is supported by the STEAM project, run by the Malta Chamber of Scientists and S-Cubed, in collaboration with Spazju Kreattiv.
Creative team: Giulia Maria Tabone (Event Manager), Edward Duca (Consultant), Martina Grech (Assistant), Ian Farrugia (Assistant) and Zippy Tseng (Assistant), BetaPsi
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