Open Call: Ever wondered if you could change the world?
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Open Call: Ever wondered if you could change the world?
30 July 2020 - 31 July 2020
We are interested in a world where everyone is respected and appreciated equally for who they are. We believe that being human is a complex mission but that accepting our differences can make us stronger. Boys, Girls, but most of all HUMANS, We want to create this world with you! We do this by exploring movement and creativity to express our unique voices and create new possibilities. If you are between 8 and 15, and want to be part of the change, then join us by following the details below!
Date and Time:
Thursday, 30 July, 10:30am – 12:30pm (8-11 year olds)
Friday, 31 July, 10:30am – 12:30pm (12-15 year olds)
Venue: Studio A, Spazju Kreattiv
Price: Free
Bring: a bottle of water.
Wear: comfortable clothing like a tracksuit and socks and be prepared to move in socks.
This session is being organised by an Erasmus+ project entitled Embracing the Sustainable Development Goals through Creative Arts in which gender equality and quality in education are taught through movement and dance. This is a pilot session which will be filmed for education and dissemination purposes.
Call for the first group: 8-11 year olds
Boys, Girls, Unicorns, Fairies, Jelly Babies, Monkeys & Every other living being…
You are invited to join us for a session of movement and creative exploration into the beautiful world of equality and diversity! If you are between 8 and 11 years old we want to hear from you!
Call for the second group: 12-15 year olds
Life’s not fair, but could it be?
We are interested in a world where everyone is respected and appreciated equally for who they are. We believe that a human is a rainbow and not a box to be ticked. We want to create this world, with you! We do this by exploring movement and creativity to express our unique voices and create new possibilities. If you are between 12 and 15, and believe in a world where being a boy or a girl is too tight a box to fit, then join us and help us change the world!
C-SDGS: Embracing the Sustainable Development Goals through Creative Arts
F’Settembru 2015, iktar minn 190 mexxejja mondjali kkommettew li jwaqqfu l-faqar, jegħlbu l-inugwaljanza u l-inġustizzja, jipproteġu l-pjaneta u jiżguraw properità mondjali għal kulħadd bħala parti mill-aġenda ta’ żvilupp sostenibbli (SDGs). Storytelling, żfin u logħob diġitali ser ikunu t-tliet forom kreattivi użati bil-għan li jqajmu kuxjenza dwar l-għanijiet ta’ żvilupp sostenibbli – edukazzjoni ta’ kwalità, ugwaljanza bejn is-sessi u l-ħajja taħt l-ilma.
Dan il-proġett jimmira li jsawwab ħiliet kreattivi fl-għalliema VET (u CYPs) b’inkoraġġiment sabiex jintegraw b’mod kreattiv l-għanijiet ta’ żvilupp sostenibbli f’xogħolhom. Il-pakketti ta’ riżorsi li ser jiġu kkreati għal dan il-proġett mill-organizzazzjonijiet-kollaboraturi ser ikunu aċċessibbli b’mod miftuħ għat-tniżżil minn fuq is-sit tal-proġett.
Fondazzjoni Kreattività qed tikkollabora ma’ Hodworks Foundation mill-Ungerija biex jiġi kkreat pakkett ta’ riżorsi għaż-żfin.
Fondazzjoni Kreattività qed taspira li l-prodott aħħari ta’ dan il-proġett iħalli impatt pożittiv fuq il-progressjoni professjonali ta’ min ser jibbenefika minnu permezz taż-żfin.