Archives: Events

ĊineXjenza: Get Out

The satirical horror film’s main themes are double consciousness, liberal racism, and the anxiety you endure when you realise you do not belong somewhere. In fact, from the very first moment when the protagonist Chris (Daniel Kaluuya) meets his girlfriend’s - Rose (Allison Williams) - parents, things seem disturbing.

ĊineXjenza: Manchester by the Sea

Spazju Kreattiv Cinema St James Cavalier, Castille Place, Valletta

Wara l-attakk tal-qalb li soffra ħuh, il-purtinar Lee Chandler (Casey Affleck) jispicca jieħu l-kustodja tan-neputi tiegħu Patrick (Lucas Hedges).

European Cinema Night film premier
Another Round

Spazju Kreattiv Cinema St James Cavalier, Castille Place, Valletta

EUROPEAN CINEMA NIGHT is organised by Europa Cinemas in partnership with Creative Europe-MEDIA and the European Commission

Handia/The Giant

Spazju Kreattiv Cinema St James Cavalier, Castille Place, Valletta

In 1843, Martin returned home after fighting in the First Carlist War.

Through the People’s Lens: A Quarantine Diary

One of the very first industries that had a sudden and substantial impact by the COVID-19 pandemic was undoubtedly that of the arts and the creative sector.  Due to the global health crisis, by mid-March 2020, most of the cultural institutions across the world had been indefinitely closed.

Whale Rider

Spazju Kreattiv Cinema St James Cavalier, Castille Place, Valletta

Ibbażat fuq in-novella The Whale Rider ta’  Witi Ihimaera.   L-amalgamazzjoni tal-post u l-kultura, flimkien mal-istorja universali tal-vjaġġ taż-żogħżija, Whale Rider intlaqa’ b’suċċess kbir internazzjonalment,

ĊineXjenza: Icarus

Russia’s 4-year ban, due to the biggest scandal in sports history, is exposed by Dr. Rodchenkov in this award-winning documentary.


Spazju Kreattiv Cinema St James Cavalier, Castille Place, Valletta

Eight female Māori directors have each contributed a ten minute vignette, presented as a continuous shot in real time that unfolds around the tangi (funeral) of a small boy

Diamantes negros/Black diamonds

After being captured in Mali by a football scout, the young Amadou and Moussa leave their country, escaping from poverty, and arrive in Madrid pursuing their dream of success as footballers.


Vai is a portmanteau feature film made by nine female Pacific filmmakers.

Hunt for the Wilderpeople

Spazju Kreattiv Cinema St James Cavalier, Castille Place, Valletta

Hunt for the Wilderpeople tells the story of misfit kid Ricky Baker. When Ricky’s foster aunt suddenly passes away, he’s left alone with his grumpy uncle Hec. 

Art Additives 2020/21

Spazju Kreattiv St James Cavalier, Castille Place, Valletta

Art Additives are free events where people from all walks of life can continue or begin to explore their interests in art as a whole.

ĊineXjenza: Radioactive

Studios St James Cavalier, Castille Place, Valletta

Countless women have fought for their voices to be heard to get to where we are nowadays. In honour of such brave women, S-Cubed in Collaboration with the Malta Chamber of Scientists, STEAM and Spazju Kreattiv will be screening “Radioactive” as part of CineXjenza.

Art Additives 2021/22

Spazju Kreattiv St James Cavalier, Castille Place, Valletta

Art Additives huma avvenimenti b’xejn fejn nies minn kull qasam tal-ħajja jistgħu jkomplu jew jibdew jesploraw l-interessi tagħhom fl-arti b’mod ġenerali.