Archives: Events
Tarah Wiċċ Alla
Spazju Kreattiv Theatre St James Cavalier, Castille Place, VallettaIn a small and quiet village in Malta, every year the traditional play takes place during Good Friday period. It is an important annual event for this community.
The Heimlich Hustle
Spazju Kreattiv Theatre St James Cavalier, Castille Place, VallettaIt was supposed to be a straightforward plan with seven easy steps.
TINY KEYS, BIG SOUNDS: Contemporary Compositions for Toy Piano
Spazju Kreattiv Theatre St James Cavalier, Castille Place, VallettaTiny Keys – Big Sounds, presents a programme for toy piano, electronic music and small percussion instruments. This project contributes to the growing repertoire through the commissioned works by 10 Maltese and international composers that will showcase the artistic potential and expressive possibilities of the toy piano. This unique concert inspires audiences and raises the awareness that toy pianos ain’t playing around! They can indeed be considered a concert instrument.
Hedda Gabler
Spazju Kreattiv Theatre St James Cavalier, Castille Place, VallettaHedda Gabler stands as a masterpiece of literary realism, widely acclaimed as one of the finest theatre works ever crafted.
Studios St James Cavalier, Castille Place, Valletta/kry is an instrumental trio, formed in 2019 by Alexander Yannilos, Mona Matbou Riahi and Philipp Kienberger in Vienna.
MalTease (7th edition)
Spazju Kreattiv Theatre St James Cavalier, Castille Place, VallettaMalTease – a Variety and Burlesque project inspired by the pulsating atmosphere of Valletta’s main artery of entertainment – Strada Stretta! This exciting event is back for the seventh time with ever more pizazz. The performance revolves around acts, loosely tied in by a story which will take you on a journey through space and time, bringing back Malta’s cabaret heyday. Join us for a walk down Strait Street.
Dance Festival Malta (DFM)
Dance Festival Malta is a multi-disciplinary festival that strives to cultivate a dance ecosystem in Malta by providing dance students and professionals with a platform for intense training and professional development. Spread over four days in July the festival will host a series of workshops, masterclasses and performances that welcome the richness of the universal language of dance cultures, featuring established international artists and choreographers. Now in its third year, from July 25th to 28th, Dance Festival Malta promises a transformative celebration of both international and local talent, offering a vibrant tapestry that unveils the essence of Malta's dance scene.
Space A, Spazju Kreattiv St James Cavalier, Castille Place, VallettaImprovizza! is a theatrical improvisation festival held in Malta. Aimed at local and international performers and improvisers, Improvizza! will be offering a number of workshops of different durations during the day, followed by performances and other events in the evenings. Participants will have a number of ways of being a part of this festival, from workshops to jams to showcase performances.
Spazju Kreattiv Theatre St James Cavalier, Castille Place, Valletta"PEER GYNT" huwa dramm li jsegwi il-ħajja u avventuri ta' wieħed mill-akbar giddieba Ewropej filwaqt li jgħaddi minn vjaġġ eċitanti u surreali. Insegwu dan il-fantażista impulsiv li jerfa' lilu nnifsu mill-faqar għal ġid u poter oxxen. Peer Gynt, il-karattru titulari, iħobb lin-nisa, joħlom u jħawwad. Irid isir sinjurun u jistabilixxi l-identita' tiegħu. Imma filwaqt li isir sinjur minn fuq dahar ħaddieħor, Peer irid finalment jaffaċċa vojt profond u tort għall-għażloet ħżiena tiegħu. Dan l-addattament modern ta' Brad Birch tad-dramm klassiku ta' Ibsen jesplora l-esplojtazzjoni mill-Punent, il-kriżi tal-immigrazzjoni, l-identita' u r-redenzjoni f'serata liema bħala fit-teatru.
Għanjiet il-Baħħ
Spazju Kreattiv Theatre St James Cavalier, Castille Place, VallettaFollowing its sold-out run in the UK and a 2023 Olivier Award nomination, Blackout Songs by Joe White transfers to the Spazju Kreattiv Theatre.
MUSIC SERIES – Kym Pepe live
Spazju Kreattiv Theatre St James Cavalier, Castille Place, VallettaFor 5 years, Kim was a vocalist with established local alternative music group Brikkuni. They released duets such as 'Il-Lupu Ma Jibdilx Il-pil' and ‘Fomm ir-rih’. Infact, Kim's voice can be heard in Brikkuni’s Maltese-Language album latest release Rub Al-Khali and in Il-Ħajja, l-Mewt, n-Nisa. Kym Pepe took centre stage for the first time in 2020 with the release of her debut EP ‘Kun’. Pairing haunting melodies with rich, textured synths, the EP marked a whole new dimension in Maltese sung music. Kym is also known for releasing two singles named 'Armier' and 'Mill-Bidu'. Her latest single, ‘Dalgħodu’, was a collaboration between her and Immanuel Mifsud, who wrote the lyrics.
ŻfinMade 2024
Spazju Kreattiv Theatre St James Cavalier, Castille Place, VallettaŻfinMade is one of ŻfinMalta's signature programmes exemplifying the company's ongoing commitment to cultivating contemporary dance practice in Malta. Responding to the theme "Our Bodies in a Digital World", six choreographers are invited to create a series of solos and duets with the ŻfinMalta company dancers.
KorMalta – Christmas Concert
Atrium / Atrium Approach / Upper AtriumThe Kormalta Malta National Choir is delighted to return to Spazju Kreattiv for its cherished Christmas concert tradition. This year’s program offers a rich array of festive and spiritual works, featuring renowned classics like Franz Biebl’s "Ave Maria," Tomás Luis de Victoria's "O Magnum Mysterium," and Praetorius’s "Es ist ein Rose Ensprungen." Audiences can anticipate stirring piano- accompanied pieces that add depth and warmth, such as Ola Gjeilo's "Spotless Rose" and Dan Forrest’s "The First Noel." Interactive sing-along moments invite listeners to become part of the holiday spirit, while segments of choral improvisation bring a unique, contemporary touch to the traditional repertoire. Highlights include Rutter’s enchanting "All Bells in Paradise" and the festive "Carol of the Bells" by Leontovich, ensuring an evening that celebrates both timeless tradition and joyful, collective expression.
Chucky’s Christmas Cracker – A Solo Panto Experience
Spazju Kreattiv Theatre St James Cavalier, Castille Place, VallettaJoin us for the ultimate holiday treat at Spazju Kreattiv this Christmas with Chucky’s Christmas Cracker - A Solo Panto Experience! Written and Directed by Vikesh Godhwani (Panto in the Dark Series, Jamie Cardona’s Mid-Djarju ta’ Student fi Skola Tal-Knisja) this one-person panto features Malta’s iconic drag queen and Voice of Love Island Malta, Chucky, performing every character in a side-splitting rendition of Beauty and the Beast. Expect a riotous blend of pop songs, sharp political satire, uproarious audience interaction and surprise special guests at every performance!
The Grand Tour of the Cavalier
Spazju Kreattiv Theatre St James Cavalier, Castille Place, VallettaOn the highest point in Valletta, wedged between centuries of history lies St James Cavalier. A fortification intended to defend the new capital city built by the famous Order of the Knights of St John.