Latent Spaces Reframed – Malta

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Latent Spaces Reframed – Malta
Latent Spaces Reframed – Malta hija installazzjoni immersiva ta’ xogħlijiet speċifiċi għas-sit, immexxija minn Ana Baer Carrillo u Heike Salzer, taħt l-umbrella ta’ WECreate Productions. Din il-wirja, li tillokalizza l-bniedem f’pajsaġġi urbani u naturali, toffri opportunità t’awtoriflessjoni b’konnesjoni m’ambjenti differenti, u tqajjem mistoqsijiet ta’ kif wieħed iħossufi ħdan id-dinja. F’din l-installazzjoni, li tinkludi xeni tipiċi lokali kif ukoll internazzjonali, it-telespettatur huwa mistieden jesperjenza pajsaġġi mill-Iżlanda, l-Irlanda, il-Messiku, ir-Renju Unit u Malta.
Esplorazzjoni tal-produzzjoni tal-arti interdixxiplinarja ma’ artisti ta’ screendance, ħsejjes u tessuti, flimkien ma’ disinjaturi tal-kostumi u tax-xeni. Dawn ix-xogħlijiet tal-arti transdixxiplinarji jipprovokaw ix-xenqa għall-ħajja inqas magħġla u konnessjoni mill-ġdid man-natura, juru atmosferi metropolitani urbani kuntrastanti u jesploraw il-bdil ta’ postijiet urbani u naturali. Il-kollezzjoni tiġbor flimkien xogħlijiet ġodda u eżistenti, bi premier ta’ HinterTerra li ġiet żviluppata f’Malta fl-2022.
Tim Kreattiv:
Artisti: Ana Baer Carrillo, Heike Salzer
Ko-Kuraturi: Ana Baer Carrillo & Heike Salzer, Paula Guzzanti
Kollaboraturi Artistiċi u Tim Kreattiv: Robert Burton, Florinda Camilleri, Richard Hall, Ingi Jensson, Jack Laidlaw, Joaquin Lopez Chas, Michelle Nance, Eniko Szili, Rocio Luna Urdaibay Cheri Prough de Vol
Mexxejja tal-Proġett: Ana Baer Carrillo & Heike Salzer Concept, Direction, Camera, Editing: Ana Baer Carrillo & Heike Salzer
Koreografija u Żfin: Florinda Camilleri, Heike Salzer, Michelle Nance, Rocio Luna Urdaibay
Arti tat-Tessuti u Disinn tal-Kostumi: Robert Burton Music Composition: Richard Hall, Jack Laidlaw, Joaquin Lopez Chas, Christian Alexander Cruz Lineros, Luke Bramford, James Ryan, Brendan Pillay
Fotografija: Ana Baer Carrillo, Heike Salzer, Eniko Szili Production: WECreate Productions – Ana Baer Carrillo & Heike Salzer
Konsulent Artistiku: Florinda Camilleri
Appoġġ għall-Viżwalizzazzjoni u d-Disinn: Ingi Jensson
Disinn tax-Xenarju: Cheri Prough de Vol Accommodation and Hosting: Ingi Jensson, Narc
Internship Liaison u Outreach fl-Università ta’ Malta: Paula Guzzanti, Deborah Williams
Appoġjat minn CRACE Centre for Research in Arts and Creative Exchange, University of Roehampton, London (UK) Texas State University Department of Theatre and Dance, San Marcos, TX. (US) Facultad Popular de Bellas Artes of the Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo, Morelia (MEX) Mima School of Art and Design, Teesside University, Middlesbrough (UK) School of Performing Arts, University of Malta, Msida (MT) Florinda Camilleri, artista indipendenti, Attard (MT) Narc Limited, Ta’ Xbiex (MT)
Upcoming events:
Opening Event
Saturday 10th December 2022, 7pm
The exhibition Latent Spaces Reframed – Malta will open with a live dance performance in the gallery. Heike Salzer and Florinda Camilleri will activate the exhibition space through a site-specific performance, drawing attention to the architectural and rhythmical features of the rooms and the artworks presented. An extension of the exhibits, the performance will have an approximate duration of 20 minutes, followed by a welcome by the artists, and concluding with an invitation to continue a personal exploration of the installations in their own time.
Artist talk
Sunday 11th December 2022, 11am
During this artist talk, Ana Baer Carrillo and Heike Salzer will offer an intimate view of the creative process behind the interdisciplinary production of Latent Spaces Reframed – Malta. Developed with artistic collaborators under the umbrella of WECreate Productions the exhibition is an immersive installation of site-specific works incorporating screendance, photography, textile and sound art featuring a poetic indication of place.
Joined by dance artist Florinda Camilleri and facilitated by curator Paula Guzzanti the team will share their experience of collaborating in the new work HinterTerra, which was developed on journeys through the streets and paths of Malta. By exploring the local as a collective the artists experienced the sites through the perspective of the other. The conversation will give space for questions and discussion, inviting the audience to reflect on their responses to the works they encounter.