Taħdita Teatru: Creating a space for discussions on theatre to flourish between creatives and the public

Teatru Malta and Spazju Kreattiv team up for another season of Taħdita Teatru, which aims to listen, archive, document, and debate contemporary theatre in Malta.

Developed around and focused on both Teatru Malta and the Spazju Kreattiv’s theatre programmes, the series creates a space for engagement and community discussion between creatives and the public, allowing for a safe space to comment and discuss. 

Each event forming part of this series aims to mould the experience of both viewer and maker into a culturally sustainable body of documentation, which will focus on exploration and critical analysis.


Date: Friday 27 April 2018, 10pm
Venue: Teatru, Mount Carmel, Ħ’Attard

Panellists Prof. Vicki Ann Cremona, Dr Marco Galea and Daniela Calleja Bitar discuss the production Is-Serra, “The Hothouse”. 


Dates: 7 – 9 September 2018
Venue: Teatru Manoel

Teatru Malta in co-production with Teatru Manoel are proudly collaborating with ŻfinMalta to commemorate 25 years since the death of beloved Maltese playwright Francis Ebejer. Boulevard written in 1964 dabbles with the absurd in order to challenge trad (1973, The Cliffhangers). The contemporary adaptation of Boulevard’s absurdity will be explored through the choreography of Paolo Mangiola and the direction of Toni Attard in a dance theatre performance by dancers from ŻfinMalta and guest actors co-creating on the same stage that premiered the original work.

See more on the Teatru Manoel website.

Friday 7 September 2018, Teatru Manoel
9:15pm: Taħdita Teatru – L-Istorja ta’ Boulevard
Panel: Toni Sant (chair), Peter Busuttil, Karmen Azzopardi, Pawlu Xuereb

Saturday 8 September 2018, Teatru Manoel
9:15pm: Taħdita Teatru – Kont taf li Francis… 
Panel: Antonella Axisa (chair) Damian Ebejer, Godwin Xerri, Lino Farrugia

Sunday 9 September 2018, Sala Maria Ghirlando, Teatru Manoel
7pm: Friends of the Manoel, discussion before the production, Boulevard Today
Panel: Vicki Ann Cremona (chair), Toni Attard, Paolo Mangiola


Date: Friday, 26 October 2018, 9pm
Venue: Spazju Kreattiv Theatre

Spazju Kreattiv and Teatru Malta invite you to another initiative from the Taħdita Teatru series, this time focusing on Spazju Kreattiv’s first co-production of the season: De-Terminated. Join us for a Q&A led by Ramona Depares (Times of Malta) with writer/director/journalist Herman Grech after the performance on Friday 26th October at the Spazju Kreattiv Theatre.

The Acrobat

Date and Time: Saturday 9 February 2019, 10:20pm – 11:20pm
Venue: Spazju Kreattiv Theatre

The first Taħdita Teatru for this season will follow the first performance of The Acrobat, written by Adrian Buckle and directed by Stephen Oliver.  This discussion, moderated by Pia Zammit, will delve into the creative process behind the adaptation of Agnes Moon’s romantic comedy novel for theatre.


Date and Time: Sunday 24 March 2019, 7pm – 8pm
Spazju Kreattiv Theatre

Join us for a post-show discussion focusing on the creative process behind this original piece for teens, the element of mentoring, and bringing the text to life in all aspects of production.  The discussion will be moderated by Stephanie Bonnici and Clare Azzopardi will be among the panel members.

Repubblika Immakulata

Date and Time: Saturday 30 March 2019, 10:20pm – 11:20pm
Spazju Kreattiv Theatre

The panel will be made up of Simone Spiteri (writer, director) and Dr Marco Galea (senior lecturer in Theatre Studies), and moderated by Toni Attard.  We’ll be discussing Simone’s comeback into writing theatre for adult audience together with Dù Theatre’s journey of theatre making throughout the years as they celebrate their 15 year anniversary.

Hekk Alla Jgħinni

Date and Time: Friday 19 April 2019, 11:45am – 12:45pm
Spazju Kreattiv Theatre

The Taħdita Teatru will evaluate the reinterpretation of the traditional passion play within the framework of the Spazju Kreattiv programme, also focusing on the creative process and the development of this concept throughout the past years.  The discussion will be moderated by Spazju Kreattiv’s Artistic Director, Dr Toni Sant, and the panel members will be Producers/Directors Joseph Galea and Carlos Farrugia.